As I write this newsletter, the United Kingdom is just a few days into a newly re-elected government following our third general election in five years and as a population we are - amongst many other things - weary of the political debate around if, how and when we will leave the European Union. Rest assured this post is not a political comment, and I remain incredibly grateful and humble to live in a country where I have the right to vote in free and fair elections. However, as I have listened to and watched endless debates over the past months and years, my curiosity is spiked by the challenge of any influencer (which let’s face it politicians are supposed to be), when it comes to the challenge of getting the message through to an audience that is weary, distracted and distrusting of the endless, rambling commentary.
This situation is analogous with the challenge facing leaders in business when it comes to getting their message across. We all work in a commercial world with continual interruptions, relentless change and multiple distractions, all of which means that we don’t have the time to work out what you mean amidst all the ‘blah, blah, blah’.
This is where the concept of the soundbite can help… and this is also where my use of the word ’soundbite' parts company with that with which we typically associate politicians.
I’m not talking about empty, vacuous promises. I’m not talking about clever phrases with alliteration that means nothing. I’m not talking about talking meaningless, pointless nonsense.
What I am talking about is cutting through the noise, removing the complexity, crystallising the essence of our point and landing a memorable, repeatable truth to our audience.
An effective soundbite does just that.
One of the best that was ever said to me was ‘if you walk around with a hammer; everything starts to look like a nail’. Isn’t that sensational? The metaphor is easily understood; the message is crystal clear and it makes perfect sense. We are wired to remember and repeat concise, compelling messages that create meaning, connect with our humanity and linger long in our memory.
As leaders and influencers we all need soundbites that do just that.
So, as we close out this year and look to 2020… my question for you all is simple…what are your soundbites for 2020?
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