Tuesday, 21 December 2021

What Will You Celebrate This Festive Season?

As we continue to unlock and lock down yet again around the world, the topic of celebration may - for some - hold little appeal at the moment.

And yet despite all of the loss, fear, grief, monotony, anger, frustration and disappointment of the past 12, 18, 21 months, celebration has been the topic of discussion for my clients in recent weeks.

As the end of the calendar year approaches, so does an opportunity to reflect on what we’ve achieved, in spite of it all.

For our professional lives, for our clients, for our teams and for ourselves, we should celebrate that we’ve made it through 2021. We’re still here. Still standing - or at least still staggering - to fight another day. Out of the woods? No, not yet. Wish we were? Yes, like you wouldn’t believe.

Joy has been in short supply; normality continues to be suspended and the future remains uncertain.

Do we organize a team meet in person or not? Can we face another virtual drinks on Zoom? And does anyone feel remotely festive anyway?

Celebration amidst confusion, chaos and crisis can seem jarring.

And yet……

Leadership is about connection, fellowship and even love.

Leaders who ‘reach’ their teams, inspire loyalty beyond reason and who bring out the very best in others are those who make the time to notice and celebrate individual strengths. To pay attention to that which makes others tick. To marvel at individual brilliance and who make it their business to make sure others know it.

My view is simply this: your teams don’t need a naff ‘Secret Santa’ gift, or a trite ‘copy and paste’ email which was pretty much the same one they received last year and the year before that. What they need is something far more meaningful and far longer lasting, wrapped up in a completely unexpected, utterly delightful and from the heart commentary that celebrates them for the good they’ve done for you, the team, your clients and the business this year.

That’s always worth knowing and it’s definitely worth celebrating.

In the meantime, here’s to a better 2022 for us all……

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Talk Less

We all talk too much. And the science proves it.

I was tempted to have those two sentences be the total content for my newsletter this month. However, I will elaborate (just a little).

My conversations with clients recently have focused on brevity. When we need to make a point, answer a question, handle a challenge, offer a perspective, explain something….how can we say less? Be crisper? Get to the point faster? And know when to stop talking? As social animals we are hard wired to communicate. This is how we navigate and negotiate our way around our world, and it works.

However, the challenge and the contradiction in this hybrid world is that our capacity to pay attention to all this chatter is almost zero. Okay, not quite zero, but not far from it. When others are speaking, we can decide very quickly to just stop. Stop listening. Stop caring. Stop interacting.

So how to be more effective? Think of it like a traffic light system. This glorious analogy came from Harvard Business research, and I attribute it to them. We have a green light for the first 20 seconds. Our audience likes us if what we’re saying is relevant and serving others in the conversation. We have an amber light for the next 20 seconds. The risk is dramatically increasing that our audience will lose interest. Take heed! We have a red light at 40 seconds. No matter how exciting, engaging, thrilling, relevant, dynamic, and fabulous we think what we’re saying is….just stop. Otherwise, we’re in severe danger of boring, frustrating, disengaging and dissuading our audience completely. Our impact is zero; our ‘wins’ at the start of our message have turned into losses. We said too much.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Fed Up With Turning Your Camera On?

Recent research would suggest that turning our cameras off in remote meetings leads to us being less tired and more productive. These results came after a four week experiment found that individuals felt more free to ‘focus less on the face of others and more on the content of the meeting’.

I have been talking with my clients about this exact topic a lot this month, and reference to this research has been used as an ‘aha, now I can turn my camera off!’ Sounds great, right?


It’s the wrong solution for this particular problem. Turning our cameras off makes us less influential and less impactful. Rapport lowers, mis-trust increases and – let’s face it – we all know those with ‘cameras off’ could easily mean that they are doing something else for some/part/all of the time that they’re not visible to us.

Being able to see the impact of our communication on others is an incredibly powerful tool to modifying, adapting and enhancing our influence.

Yes, I agree that we want to be less tired and more productive. Turning our cameras off is not the way to do it.

We jump on calls to build relationships, discuss options, solve problems, lead change, galvanise our people, make decisions, agree actions, secure commitments and genuinely make our workloads easier. Being an influential leader means being a visible leader. Always remember that trust increases, rapport increases, dialogue increases when we are on camera.

So, instead of turning off our cameras off can I suggest:
  1. Shorten all 1 hour meetings to 45 minutes and 30 minute meetings to 25 (with a hard stop).
  2. Review your calendars regularly to remove meetings which are unnecessary, low value, repetitive and too long.
  3. Use other media to communicate. Some issues don’t need a meeting at all.
  4. Sharpen your influencing skills. In the absence of being crisp, concise and compelling, take one guess as to what the easiest response is from our audience - who are not convinced by us. Yep, you’ve guessed it… the answer is… ANOTHER MEETING. If we are more persuasive, more compelling, more able to reach people, engage people and change people... we don’t need turn our cameras on at all because we don’t need another remote meeting.

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

We’re Heading Back To The Office (A Bit) – Now What?

As the world continues to battle with Covid-19 and move through various stages of locking down and unlocking, this month I have found myself talking with my clients about what to do now that some of their team (and themselves) have started to return to the office.

What’s the right thing to say or do as a leader? Is it ‘as you were’? Or is it all completely different?

Whatever our own personal experience, all of us are living through generation defining change, and in this different, changed world into which we all emerge, gradually - and blinking, the reality is that as we start to return to the office, it will feel either very weird or very familiar.

Our challenge as leaders to lead change, engage others with change, drive change, create a culture in which change feels good… so, as we get used to the reality that Covid-19 is with us forever, and our working patterns will be different (for some - forever), the absolute priority for us do now is step up the quality and quantity of our communication.


Because the default human response to change is consistent around the world - namely, what will I lose?

Given that reality, being a better communicator as a hybrid leader now means:
  1. Avoid the mantle of the keyboard warrior. Of course I realise that if you’re running a global business with a 5,000 employee strong organisation then that’s not as easy as it sounds. However it’s no less important to communicate more often, through more channels, with more clarity. Written communication (in long or short form), will never be as effective as the spoken word. Make time for it; defend time for it; and review the impact of your conversations afterwards. That’s the inescapable and outstanding reality of our communication. We can measure its impact in the response we get. If our teams are confused then it means we weren’t clear. If our people are disinterested that we’ve not been persuasive enough. If our organisation doesn’t care, then we’ve not involved them in the right way to engage them.
  2. Don’t assume you have to have all the answers. Leading change effectively is never about having all the answers, it’s always about having the right questions. No business, no government, no country, no executive team, no company had a playbook for Covid-19. Why on earth would we assume that there’s a playbook for hybrid working? We’re all working this out as we go. We all need to stay curious, be experimental, get comfortable with failure (and we will sometimes). This is all new. So, what do you need to ask now? What do you need to know from your teams now that which enable you to help them be more effective as they navigate new working patterns?
  3. Listening is underrated and poorly executed. And it’s got worse through remote working. What’s really being said here? I am visible? Present? Suspending my agenda and deeply listening to the words being said and those not being said? Or am I half- hearted, jumping ahead, trying to ‘send that quick message’ whilst professing to care? The greatest delusion is that we think others won’t notice. They do; always. The greatest gift we can give others is our time and undivided attention. How much of your time and your attention are you really offering to your teams at present?
  4. Reflect, rehearse and refine key messages. I’m not talking about rehearsing everything you want to say before you say it. However, what I am talking about is the absolute, pinpoint accuracy with which you craft the messages which reach people. For those of you who have worked with me in the past, you know I’m a fan of the number three. What top three messages need to land with your teams immediately? Remember, these are the messages that resonate, change minds, win hearts and drive the right behaviours. What are the top takeaways that you want your team and the wider organisation to hear, understand, believe… and repeat? Rehearse them to ensure brevity, precision and impact.
  5. Encourage conversations and connections between teams and individuals. Who needs to be connected with whom? Where is there an opportunity for learning? Mentoring? Best practice sharing? We’ve all been away from the office, at home, with overbooked calendars, kids being home schooled, no delineation between ‘work time’ and ‘home time’, plus longer days, more stress, a lot of uncertainty, illness, sadness, grief, loss. The initial excitement of Zoom virtual drinks or wearing silly hats has long since gone. Who do we want to get talking to whom? Great conversations change people. When we change people we change performance.
What all hybrid leaders need to do now is get even better at having, facilitating and driving better conversations with and between their people.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Are You Ready To Become A Hybrid Leader?

August is a month which signals that beginnings and ends of seasons are around the corner. Wherever you are in the world, change is on its way – not just in the turning of summer into autumn and winter into spring, but also – COVID allowing - in terms of the very real prospect of returning to our offices and those of our clients more often that we have done over the past eighteen months.

The ‘hybrid leader’ – namely one who runs teams with individuals who are both in the office and working from home – is what we all will become.

Putting to one side legal, social and cultural considerations around this whole topic for a mere moment, I have been talking with leaders about what this means for our ability to engage and communicate with our teams, the business and our customers.

What’s changing? Some of us may think simply ‘nothing’. We operated a hybrid business model pre-Covid. True. Except now we have Covid. Forever. And with this global health pandemic has come profound change to the way we think about, connect with, deliver at and get joy from work. A pulse survey of eleven global brands with whom I’ve worked this month has revealed that all of them are extremely worried about their top talent becoming flight risks, about re-igniting customer relationships that have gone quiet, and re-hiring and re-engaging existing employees. This is the strong and consistent thread of challenge coming from every single one of them.

So what does this mean for us as leaders and influencers? As always, leadership is all about communication and influence. The concept of the hybrid leader has been much on my mind in 2021, and so over the coming months, I will be exploring how our ability to persuade and influence others needs to step up given the necessity as a leader of demonstrating empathy, exquisite listening, curiosity, humility, agility, courage to make mistakes and flexibility. As never before.

I have yet to meet a leader who doesn’t think they have these skills already. However our challenge is how we will need to take these up yet another level to meaningful convey them; be it remotely or face-to-face.

Look out for more information here and across my social media every month and let’s start the conversation.

In the meantime, I have a question for you: are you ready to become a hybrid leader?

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Are You In Danger Of Conveying ‘Ruinous Empathy’?

Delivering results through others means getting the balance right between challenge and support. My time this month has been focused on how to practically get this right - which is hard enough to do anyway, without the sixteen months and counting of a global health crisis which has challenged us all as never before. As leaders who drive results through others:
  • How do we conduct those more difficult discussions about below par performance?
  • How do we constructively challenge those who’ve had a lot on their plate and where we’ve been both supportive and sympathetic, but now they really need to step it up?
  • How do we encourage, enthuse and engage our teams to lean in, dig deep and deliver more when we fear that they are a flight risk and ready to leave our business?
  • How do we help our team see the value of returning to the office environment positively, rather than as a veiled threat to future career prospects if they insist on staying at home?
The list of scenarios is endless, and the challenge around getting it right is great, so where precisely we start? Endless behavioural science research confirms that distance builds distrust, and that the remote environment can have a damaging impact on the quality of our professional relationships across teams and time zones. These conversations would be hard enough if we were face to face, but now we need to do this remotely. How on earth do we get this right?

I have found myself returning to the power of Kim Scott’s work, who wrote a superb book called ‘Radical Candour: How To Be A Kick Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity’. If you’ve not read it; then buy a copy and do so now. It’s on audio, so grab it that way if this is your preference. It is simply exquisite. Scott talks about a simple concept with profound impact: how to care personally whilst challenging directly. As leaders she is straightforward and practical in how to get started and offers a simple and effective framework to critique where we might tend to operate at the moment. The area within the four box quadrant that has taken my time and attention this month is the spectacularly labelled ‘ruinous empathy’. This month, I have been working with sales leaders at a global brand who need to challenge their teams to change their behaviour, learn more quickly and adapt faster to deliver better performance. Tenure, expertise, skill set is no protection against this requirement and whilst caring personally is in abundance; challenging directly is not. This is ‘ruinous empathy’ because we don’t want to damage the relationship or cause offence and yet leaders everywhere must fight against it. Why? Because ultimately, it’s not fair or helpful to the other person to fail to tell them things which they would be better off knowing.

Are you guilty of ‘ruinous empathy’? Who in your professional world is overdue ‘radical candour’ for which they, the team, their customers and the business would all benefit if you took your communication skills up to the next level? If our relationships are as strong with our team as we like to think they are then now is the time to step up. Care personally, and challenge directly.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Why Turning On Your Camera (Still) Matters

Sixteen months into a global health crisis which is far from over means for all of us that we’re still spending a lot of our working day on remote video calls.

Whilst the clamour to travel to visit clients or get back to the office may be overwhelming for some - and non-existent for others - for now at least, we’re still largely working from home.

I’ve been working with several global law firms this month and I have noticed the resurgence of the ‘I’m not camera ready’ expression….with the preference to remain off camera for a meeting.

It has prompted my curiosity and also my constructive challenge.

What’s going on here? What does this expression mean? And why do we think that it is an acceptable working practice to join remote meetings with lots of black squares and/or out of date photographs are at play?

To be clear, there’s a big difference between needing to go off camera because a child we’re home schooling is having a meltdown, or we need to answer the door to the delivery man. That’s a totally valid reason, and it is not what I’m talking about.

As leaders and influencers, our job is to show up. Being visible by turning our cameras on still matters for a wide variety of reasons:

  1. It sets the tone. Being on camera shows the world that ‘this is how we do things around here’. Linguists will tell us that 80% of our communication is non-verbal and being able to see and read facial expressions, posture and hand gestures all help create connection and improve the quality of the interaction. The ‘illusion’ of communication actually occurring was first observed by George Bernard Shaw. Working remotely has made the task significantly harder and so everything that we can do to counteract this challenge is helpful.
  2. It shows responsibility. By conveying to your team that you’re ready to work. I’m not talking about being fully suited and booted, or spending a lot of time grooming (however much that is), but putting on a clean shirt/top, brushing our teeth and putting a comb through our hair isn’t a lot to ask is it?
  3. It builds connection. As human beings we crave it; and after so long being separated from each other in so many different ways, being visible creates a powerful opportunity to do just that – connect. How we spend our time and how we spend our money tells the world what we care about, and by turning our camera on and our attention to the audience, we’re saying we care… about each other. If we show others we can about them; we encourage the same reciprocity.
  4. It makes us memorable. Expressions such as ‘out of sight is out of mind’ and ‘in one ear and out the other’ reflect what a significant amount of scientific research has already shown, namely that our auditory modality is not as good as our visual modality for remembering the message. Who wants to be forgettable? We jump on calls to talk to each other and influence each other and not to crank through a million emails and messages.
  5. It builds trust. Distance builds distrust. Harvard Business Review found that we’re 2.5 times more likely to perceive incompetence, poor decision making and mistrust our remote colleagues, versus those whom we see regularly at the office. The myriad of rituals that bind us in person are missing remotely, and so we have to work so much harder to that precious commodity which is the cornerstone of any successful relationship.
  6. We’re all in a relationship business, first and foremost. And we lose sight of that at our peril.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Dealing With Challenge In The Remote Environment

Research has repeatedly shown that distance builds distrust. We are more likely to perceive incompetence, poor decision making and mistrust amongst our colleagues with whom we do not engage regularly, face to face. As a result, trust drops. We are contradicted. Our requests for help, support or action are met with a ‘no’. We are challenged directly about something which is inaccurate, unfair, untrue or unworkable. So, what are we to do?

My conversations this month have been centred around high potential talent who are being exposed to more robust conversations across their businesses.

Our focus has been to repeatedly practice this skill set, and whilst I call it demonstrating ‘grace under pressure’, like everything in relation to communication, the theory is easy… the doing it is much more difficult. Our immediate challenge is to retain poise and control in these situations, even as our emotions are racing.

Here are strategies to strengthen to convey remote presence:

  1. Slow the conversation down. Whilst this is counter intuitive because we want to justify, explain, push back, be emotional, what we need to do is give ourselves time to think first.
  2. Clarify and confirm the challenge. Let the other person do the talking; to put all their concerns on the table so that we have the full picture before we formulate our response.
  3. Pause… use ‘holding phrases’ like ‘I need to think about this’ or ‘I don’t know what to say to that right now’ to signal your surprise and give yourself the opportunity to reflect and gather your thoughts.
  4. Ask questions. Where do we need more information before answering the challenge?
  5. Concede specific points and focus on the facts. Facts are hard to contest.
  6. Avoid too much information in reply. Lengthy answers with lots of detail do not persuade.
  7. Convey your answer confidently.
  8. Watch your tone. I recall an instance of eye watering arrogance, ill-informed challenge and breath-taking stupidity when challenged. However, the person has the right to challenge and we need to be able to handle it graciously.
  9. Follow up with a note if necessary to appreciate the challenge, explain the facts and move forward positively. That’s the goal…to retain our grace, defend our position and importantly – to continue to have a positive, collaborative relationship.
  10. Learn from it and adapt where necessary. How do we need to be more effective? More impactful? More persuasive in our communication?

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Beware Of Prioritizing Tasks Over Relationships

How many of us view certain remote meetings as a great opportunity to catch up on emails or other work? That joyful satisfaction of clearing nine million emails whilst being dialed in to a boring, weekly account review sounds good, right?


I’ve been working with my clients this month exploring the consequence of being efficient versus being effective as leaders and influencers at work. Yes, I’m efficient if I can respond immediately to emails and finish my day with an empty inbox; however I’m effective if I can persuade others to support my ideas, give me their time, people or budget to support my priorities because they see the value of it.

The rituals of building relationships are strained in the remote environment because our calendars are over booked, we move from meeting to meeting with barely a break, we’ve been talking about ‘dodgy internet connections’ for over a year or more now and so can get away with not being on camera. Result!!!

No, it’s not.

In the remote environment we need to work harder than ever to build our impact and strengthen our relationships; otherwise we will become less effective over time.

Here are five, highly effective habits which help strengthen our relationships in the remote environment and which need to be part of our operational rhythm, if we are to be influential in our roles and successful with our professional relationships:

  • Regularly review the effectiveness and enjoyment around how we spend our time. Where are we less effective? What is not a good use of our time? Where can we add more value? Or, remove the activity from our calendar? All of us should regularly scrutinize and adjust our diaries to maximize the value we contribute to the business. Don’t ‘wait’ until things get less busy. Here’s a prediction – they won’t.
  • Shorten all your meetings by 15 minutes so that that start and finish times allow for a short break between meetings. Ask those who invite you to meetings to do the same. We all need a break, state change and chance to clear those blessed emails so that we can focus on the remote conversation.
  • Turn your camera on for all remote meetings. The ‘my wifi connection is poor’ argument is no longer tenable. We’ve all been working remotely for at least a year and should be getting to grips with some of the fundamentals. Buy a ‘booster’ to improve connection, plug in our ethernet cable directly to the router….if we don’t do this, we can convey an impression of out of touch, disinterested and lacking the agility and energy to be more virtually literate. Ask for help; get it; and demonstrate more credibility as a result.
  • Dial in a minute early….reliability is conveyed by being on time…or even early. It also allows you to connect with colleagues ahead of the meeting start. The use of the word ‘connect’ is deliberate; we can change our relationship with others through mere moments of small talk, and we ignore this at our peril.
  • Be generous; with your attention, questions, ideas, resources, contacts to colleagues and clients alike. I’m not talking about acquiring lots of actions; I’m talking about offering a rich array of practical help progress priorities, projects and performance.
All of us work in the business of communication, influence and relationships, so where can you focus your efforts to strengthen your remote presence today?

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The Power Of Plain Speaking

The brand association with the phrase ‘plain speaking’ is not great. It is linked to being brutally direct, without thought or care for how the audience might feel in response to it. However, the real intent behind such a communication strategy is an entirely positive one, and I’ve been talking with my clients this month about the real power (and explanation) of what ‘plain speaking’ actually means.

But first, a true story and direct quote. Someone has said the following to me in the past month: “Sarah, what we really need is a strategic staircase”.

I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about and enquiring further, I discovered that what they actually meant was… a business plan. My reaction was to suppress hearty laughter and swiftly move to explore the power of speaking plainly.

Great leaders are clear communicators and use memorable, compelling language. It is engaging and memorable because it is clear, simple and easy to understand. That’s the power of plain speaking.

Unnecessarily elaborate, pretentious, complicated phrases and words are absolutely not impactful. Whilst I understand the fundamental human condition to fit in, be impressive and feel like we belong, this is not the way to do it. Please, let’s stop this awful ‘management speak’, which we hear and then start to repeat because we labour under the belief that it makes us sound intelligent.

It does not.

We work across borders, cultures and time zones, as well as working at distance in this challenging remote environment. We are working in the middle of a global health pandemic, with kids at home being home schooled in some cases, we're working harder, for longer and with greater intensity. So, why on earth would we want to make it even more complicated for ourselves through the language we use?

And whilst we’re at it, please can we remove the following linguistic bad habits:

Rubbish words’ - any word or phrase that is overused, fills our sentences with no purpose and said repeatedly must go.

Weasel words’ - ‘yes…but’ (means ‘no’), ‘try’ (but won’t succeed just to let you know) and ‘we’ll see’ (which means ‘no’) need to be removed.

Reductive language’ - ‘small point’, ‘quick question’, ‘tiny observation’ are all examples of how we can diminish and downplay our contribution. It sounds apologetic, submissive and weak. We have a point, a question or an observation. That’s it.

Speaking plainly, we may use one or more languages in our business life, so make it work powerfully and memorably for - not against - you. Be curious about your bad habits, take them in turn and work to remove them. It takes 21 days to build a new habit. Slow down the pace at which we speak and pause…both of which help enormously with our confidence to speak plainly, memorably and with impact.

Enough is enough. And it needs to stop.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

My Top Ten Tips For Pitching In The Remote World

What was the last memorable pitch you experienced since we’ve all been working remotely? Exactly.

I’ve been working this month with global clients in healthcare, professional services and telecoms where our focus has been the topic of pitching in the remote world.

Most pitches are entirely forgettable. They were when we could meet face-to-face; but it’s getting worse now that we’re all working at distance.

The reasons for this are many and varied, but fundamentally the inability of the presenter to adapt to the needs of the remote environment is the number one cause. McKinsey reported that 67% of B2B professionals are ostensibly using the same pitch decks that they used when they could be on site.

That’s mistake number 1. The second is to fail to recognize that the goal is to create a memorable and engaging experience for the audience. The behavioural science behind this is clear. If we don’t adapt; they won’t call back.

So how do we do this now? How do we create a fantastic customer experience, where we are memorable, persuasive and effective as we orchestrate a compelling interaction with our clients remotely? And how do we avoid the utterly tedious information overload with an accompanying sense of dread as complicated slides flash past in a blur, as we run out of time and our audience runs out of patience and interest?

Here are my top ten tips:

  1. Get the right tools for the job. We are now almost 12 months in to a global pandemic and too many professionals still don't know have the right kit. I’m not talking about spending a lot of money at all. This is about professional remote presence, which means, a decent camera, microphone, headphones and second screen.
  2. ‘All the gear; no idea’….having the right kit doesn’t mean that professionals know how to use it properly. So learn how to set the correct angle for the camera, organize the lighting effectively, decide on your background, turn off notifications and manage WIFI/broadband speeds to enable cameras to stay turned on.
  3. Understand that it’s our responsibility to create an engaging experience versus ‘present slides in a remote meeting’. These two activities are completely different and we don’t understand this fundamentally, then we will fail.
  4. Plan interaction with the audience – early and often – and plan the time needed for this properly. Forget the ‘questions at the end’ strategy. The group won’t be listening by that time if we don't get them involved regularly. Use technology properly: so polling, annotation, whiteboards, quizzes, breakout rooms, gamification with purpose and poise.
  5. Keep learning about how to make the platform work for you. All major platforms are going through warp speed upgrades; so regularly make time to explore the nuances. A simple one on MS Teams which is spectacular is the ‘spotlight’ function, which allows for a far more engaging way to engage and introduce the audience than using a slide with stretched, old photos of the group. It’s also fantastic for discussion activities to maximize the contributor on the screen.
  6. Understand the behavioural science which drives our memory of experience. Daniel Kahneman’s ‘Peak End’ rule says that we’ll reflect on a memory based on the intensity of feeling (‘peak’), whether positive or negative, and how we felt at the end. If we don’t demonstrate that we understand this; we will be forgettable.
  7. Whatever the number of slides you have (a) there are probably too many (b) reduce their density…we can’t read and listen at the same time.
  8. Videos are great – in small doses and as long as we’ve done the technology check. Too many videos have died on the altar of ‘hey Bob, I’ve just got a spinning wheel here…..’. The best audio in the room should be us.
  9. Technology regularly fails; we need a back-up plan to seamlessly switch to at a moment’s notice.
  10. Ditch the dense slides….think of the concept of ‘glance media’…in other words, we can read the slide in 3 seconds or less.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Reduce Complexity To Go Faster

Happy New Year to you all. Whilst this past festive season will probably go down in history as one of our least favourite, the new year brings a focus on what we want to achieve as we look to a - hopefully - much better future for us all.

In terms of that future, some of these things will be simple - to see our loved ones, go out for dinner, host friends in our homes or go on holiday. Isn’t it interesting how these all seem - right now at the time of writing and reading - almost impossible to imagine?

Even so, and in terms of our professionals lives, if 2020 was the year to ‘slow and grow’ and 2021 is the year to ‘go’, then the question at the front of my mind is simply this: how can we ‘go faster’ this year? Whether that is to go faster to grow our business, go faster to get a promotion, go faster to acquire additional skills, or go faster to achieve the performance we want?

As leaders and influencers, the answer has to be built around two words: reduce complexity. Whether it’s in a process, a communication, a strategy, a task, an answer to a question, a pitch, a story, a suggestion, an idea, an approach, an activity.

Reduce complexity. Increase agility. Reduce costs. In that spirit and for this first post of 2021, I have aimed to reflect that approach. For us all, I encourage a focus on one simple question with whatever we are doing at work: ‘how can I reduce complexity to go faster?’

Here’s to a much better year…..