When Covid19 hit, my life was well set. A diary full of business, bursting with travel, clients, learning, laughter, fun and happy times. Good health combined with joyful friends to see, sport to enjoy, a book to finish and lots of interesting and rewarding work.
And then everything changed. My diary emptied, travel stopped, I pivoted my business entirely, put my head on the desk more than once, lost amazing people to the disease and slogged through an eye watering amount of work and professional challenge to get the business back on track.
Some individuals and organisations have been desperately shoddy and disappointing; the vast majority have been amazingly supportive and kind, and as the year draws to a close, I am reminded yet again of what being a spectacular person, as well as a spectacular leader is all about.
My clients, my team and my colleagues have shown me that:
- It’s a relationship business above all else.
- Step away from the keyboard more often.
- It’s good to talk.
- Stay positive - and scream later if necessary.
- Listen, listen, listen - and then work on listening more.
- Go above and beyond.
- Sometimes we just have to laugh.
- Listen to the needs of our body and mind.
- Celebrate every win - no matter how small.
- Make appreciation a habit - we feel better as a result.
So, it is to every single one of those individuals and businesses who has worked with me, shown their brilliance to me and been unforgettably kind over the last year that I send my heartfelt thanks.
As the year draws to a close, I hope you all get the time to rest, regroup and be with those who matter.
Here’s to a far more joyful 2021.